Jim Rogers: Silver Is a Better Investment Than Gold

Jim Rogers is easily one of the most famous investors of all time. His astounding track record has led him to become one of the most successful traders ever, earning deep respect throughout the financial world. Better yet, Rogers is not the least bit shy about speaking his mind, whether he is right or wrong. Some of his previous statements included the fact that anyone who doesn’t invest in commodities is a fool, that gold will surely drop 20% from its current levels, and now, Rogers has stated that silver is a better investment than gold [for more gold and silver news subscribe to our free newsletter].

Gold investing has long dominated the precious metals space, as investors have used this ultra-popular metal as both a trading/speculative instrument as well as an integral part of a longer term strategy. While silver still has a large presence in the financial world, it is not often that a big name steps into the limelight and touts this white metal over its gold counterpart.

Rogers’ Reasoning

Rogers noted that for the time being, silver presents itself as a better play, as it has been a slightly better performer over the past five years. “Consider this: silver is the only major commodity not to have reached a new all-time high in this bull market; silver is still cheaper than it was 32 years ago, prices are astonishingly depressed” writes Peter Cooper. Also, historically, gold has a history of being worth anywhere from 12 to 15 times silver; that figure is currently showing gold as being roughly 50 times more valuable than its counterpart metal [see also Were Gold and Silver Manipulated Alongside LIBOR?].

Rogers also urges that silver’s volatility may make it the perfect option come fall when it is widely expected that the Fed will be announcing yet another quantitative easing program that could create a mad rush into silver. Of course, that is not to say that it will not be a bumpy road along the way. Silver has not maintained quite the composure of gold through the years, as it is known to exhibit massive movements, so the next few months will likely be more of the same

Ways to Play

For those looking to ride the coat tails of one of the world’s most successful investors, we outline several  ways to play the metal [see also Why Buffett is Dead Wrong on Gold].

  • iShare Silver Trust (SLV): This physically-backed ETF has over $8.5 billion in assets and is an investor favorite, trading more than 7.7 million times each day. This fund will allow for investors to use options to make appropriate bets.
  • Silver Miners ETF (SIL): A fund that dedicates its assets to firms who mine the actual metal.
  • Silver Wheaton (SLW): A mining/streaming company that has been an investor favorite for quite some time. This is a good option for those looking to single out a particular firm.
  • Futures: Of course, you can always utilize the wide variety of futures contracts listed on the COMEX, LME, MCX, and more.

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Disclosure: No positions at time of writing.

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20 Responses to “Jim Rogers: Silver Is a Better Investment Than Gold”

  1. [...] to that of gold. Of course, some investors like Jim Rogers have been saying for a while that silver is a better buy than gold, but the yellow metal’s luster seems to have ousted any shine from silver [for more silver [...]

  2. [...] the day which led to mixed trading on the commodities front. The metals took the lead higher with silver futures gaining upwards of two points on the day, while weakness in the energy sector persisted for another [...]

  3. [...] bad depending on the year. If it is any consolation, investing legend Jim Rogers recently touted silver as a better investment than its precious metal counterpart stating that he feels this white metal has more upside than [...]

  4. [...] This white metal, however, is more volatile than its gold counterpart so the upside (and downside)potential is much higher. This ETF offers a 200% exposure to silver and has nearly $1 billion assets, a high figure for a [...]

  5. [...] get ugly. Silver, however, is much further off of its historical highs than gold is, suggesting it may be undervalued. Another factor to keep in mind is when Bernanke plans to end QE3. Though this is very unlikely to [...]

  6. [...] nations also make up close to 40% of known reserves ensuring that these countries dominate the discussion of silver prices. Because of this concentration of production, supply disruptions in the region have the potential [...]

  7. [...] nations also make up close to 40% of known reserves ensuring that these countries dominate the discussion of silver prices. Because of this concentration of production, supply disruptions in the region have the potential [...]

  8. [...] respectively. Rogers has also stated that he likes both gold and silver, but for the time being he favors silver over its precious metal counterpart. Investors can play the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) and the [...]

  9. [...] its historical highs. Recently, the metal was touted by the likes of Jim Rogers, who called it a better buy than gold, believing that its upside potential is quite handsome. For those looking to buy into silver’s [...]

  10. [...] its historical highs. Recently, the metal was touted by the likes of Jim Rogers, who called it a better buy than gold, believing that its upside potential is quite handsome. For those looking to buy into silver’s [...]

  11. [...] its historical highs. Recently, the metal was touted by the likes of Jim Rogers, who called it a better buy than gold, believing that its upside potential is quite handsome. For those looking to buy into silver’s [...]

  12. [...] Investors should also note that SIVR’s slightly lower fees will allow it to outperform SLV over time by a slight margin. So that’s it, SIVR wins the long-term scenario right? Not quite. Just like the gold ETF space, there is another fund that aims to be more tax efficient than its physical competitors [see also Jim Rogers: Silver Is a Better Investment Than Gold]. [...]

  13. [...] Silver Trust (SLV): Rogers also likes silver. In fact, he has recently stated that he likes it better than gold despite its volatility. SLV is also backed by physical silver [...]

  14. [...] YTD Performance: 24.3% As many are fully aware, silver is an extremely volatile metal. When things are good, SLV performs very well, but that process also works in reverse. Thus far, 2012 has been kind to this precious metal as SLV’s monster performance may just prove Jim Rogers’ call correct, as he has been adamant about liking silver over gold. [...]

  15. [...] In 2011 the company produced 9.5 million ounces at a cost of $1.15 per ounce. Stock movements are highly correlated to silver; when the price of silver is rising it creates more favorable margins for the company and pushes up Hecla’s stock price. When declining silver prices squeeze those margins, the share price typically declines as well [see also Jim Rogers: Silver Is a Better Investment Than Gold]. [...]

  16. [...] This popular fund allows investors to put an equity spin on the silver space, targeting some of the top names in the silver mining industry. SIL’s portfolio consists of roughly 35 individual holdings, with nearly three-quarters of total assets allocated to the top ten holdings, including Fresnillo PLC (FRES), Silver Wheaton (SLW), Pan American Silver (PAAS) and First Majestic Silver (AG) [see also Jim Rogers: Silver Is a Better Investment Than Gold]. [...]

  17. [...] Rogers has never been shy about vocalizing his love of precious metals. Though he has some cautionary sentiment about short-term gold prices given their 12-year bull run, [...]

  18. [...] Rogers has never been shy about vocalizing his love of precious metals. Though he has some cautionary sentiment about short-term gold prices given their 12-year bull run, [...]

  19. [...] Rogers has never been shy about vocalizing his love of precious metals. Though he has some cautionary sentiment about short-term gold prices given their 12-year bull run, [...]

  20. [...] Rogers may have called silver a better investment than gold, but Citi is not so sure that sentiment will hold true for the next 24 months. This white metal [...]

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