Commodity HQ was launched in 2011 to provide high quality content and analysis to investors interested in adding exposure to commodities to their portfolios. Through, we strive to deliver valuable educational content, breaking news, and detailed analysis on commodities to investors of all levels of sophistication. Our team of writers and analysts maintain strong backgrounds in finance, allowing us to understand the nuances of commodity markets and deliver meaningful insights into performance of various natural resources.
Mission Statement
Commodity HQ is committing to serving a diverse audience that consists of individual investors, financial advisors, and sophisticated institutions and active traders. To this audience we seek to deliver analysis and commentary on commodities that is truthful, non-biased, and informative. To that end, we acknowledge these objectives:
- To deliver educational content that addresses areas frequently misunderstood by investors. To this end, our original content is designed to focus on subject matter that can be confusing and challenging to both amateur investors and sophisticated traders.
- To inform investors on the potential benefits and attractions of commodities as an asset class, as well as the various drawbacks, limitations, and potential pitfalls. To this end, we seek to deliver content and analysis that is non-based in nature, focusing on both positive and negative attributes of various investment vehicles and asset classes.
- To provide frequent coverage of the commodity space that goes “beyond the headlines.” We strive to draw on the diverse backgrounds of our team of writers and analysts to contribute original content that goes beyond simply regurgitating headlines. To this end, our free content includes analysis, commentary, and actionable investment ideas for buy-and-hold investors, financial advisors implementing tactical allocation strategies, and individual investors.
We promise to adhere to these guiding principles.
Learn About Commodity HQ
- Read our Mission Statement
- Get a quote or schedule an interview with one of our analysts
Our Address
Commodity HQ 2551 N. Clark St. Ste 304 Chicago IL 60614 773-857-2444