3 Commodity Plays For The Mayan Apocalypse

Financial markets appear to be at a major crossroad; improving economic data on the homefront points to recovery, however, unresolved “fiscal cliff” woes can just as easily drag the United States back into recession. To top it off, sluggish growth in China coupled with Europe’s debt burden make for an unpredictable landscape riddled with clouds of uncertainty, leading many to believe that another economic downturn is inevitable. Some more superstitious investors have even gone as far as preparing for total collapse [for more economic news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Actionable Ideas, Fun, Gold, Hard Assets | 1 Comment

What Bernanke, Marc Faber’s Bathroom And Gold All Have In Common

Marc “Dr. Doom” Faber has never been shy about his opinions concerning the global markets, especially with his Twitter account. As usual, the slight feeling of anonymity with the internet and social media leads to brutal honesty that people may not necessarily say in a normal conversation. And so is the case with Mr. Faber’s Twitter account, as a recent tweet read “I keep in my toilet a picture of Mr. Bernanke. And every time I think about selling my gold, I look at it and I know better!” [for more gold news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

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Halloween Special: Three Terrifying Commodity ETF Performances

As markets re-open their doors on Halloween, investors will be scrambling to make up for lost time. But while today’s trading will be in a frenzy, we wanted to take Halloween day to look back on some of the more frightening commodity performances over the past few years. We found three of the worst commodity ETFs in the trailing five years to give you your share of terror on this holiday [for more commodity ETF news subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Actionable Ideas, Agriculture, Asset Allocation, Cocoa, Commodity ETFs, Energy, Fun, Natural Gas, WTI | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Hot Off the Press: Fed to Print $470 Billion in 2013

All of the worry about inflation and the Fed’s ability to control it has put this organization under the microscope. Markets react to their every move, and investors take cues from Bernanke for how they should position themselves. The Fed recently released its printing plans for 2013 to the effect of how much physical currency they will be printing and in what denominations. NPR has a great infographic for anyone interested in a visual representation [for more economic news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Agriculture, Asset Allocation, Fun, Gold, Hard Assets, Precious Metals | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Do President Obama or Mitt Romney Own Gold?

Its about that time of year when people begin to dive into the disclosures and holdings of the two candidates who have thrown their hat into the presidential ring. For a bit of fun, we thought we would take a glance at the disclosures of these presidential hopefuls to see where they are allocating, and what parts of the economy they feel are most lucrative. And after combing through some of the filings and holdings, we discovered that one of the candidates is actually an owner of a fair amount of everyone’s favorite commodity; gold [for more gold news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

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Ten Tell-Tale Signs You’re a Gold Bug

Gold investing is one of the most popular facets of the commodity world, as this precious metal has had a long history with populations across the globe. Whether it was the California Gold Rush in the mid 1800′s or last year’s shocking new highs for the metal, gold has been at the forefront of investing for quite some time. But among gold investors are group of those who dedicate themselves to and swear by this metal. They’re most often referred to as gold bugs, as their obsession with the metal has overtaken their lives. Below, we outline ten tell-tale signs that you are a gold bug to help you self-diagnose this affliction [for more gold news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

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Lessons Learned from a Drunk Commodity Trader

Do you remember that day back in June of 2009 when crude oil suddenly spiked by $1.50? Chances are that you probably don’t, but don’t feel too bad, the trader responsible for the movement has no recollection either. There are many things that one should refrain from doing while under the influence of alcohol, and we can now add commodity trading to the list. Yes, if you can believe it or not, a trader got so drunk three years ago, that he executed a massive position and had absolutely no memory of doing so upon awakening [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Academic Research, Energy, Fun, News and Current Events, WTI | Tagged , | 6 Comments

5 Surprising Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Ben Bernanke

Federal Chairman Ben Bernanke has become a widely known name in recent years, perhaps for the wrong reasons. As Chairman, Bernanke has faced loads of criticism for his actions to jumpstart an economy that has been struggling for the majority of his time behind the wheel. Bernanke took office in 2006 under President Bush and has since been faced with one of the worst economies in U.S. history. But there are probably a number of things that you don’t know about Mr. Bernanke and his tenure as Fed Chairman [for more economic news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

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Norway Prepares For The End of The World

The concept of a world-ending economic collapse seemed to be a joke several years ago, but as time has pressed on, more and more people have hopped on the bandwagon of a world-ending crisis, be it a natural disaster or economic crisis. But while some people may be sitting around merely talking about the possibilities of all of the terrible things that could happen, one country is actually doing something about it. The Norwegian government has funded and built a seed vault in preparation for any kind of regional or global disaster [see also Doomsday Special: 7 Hard Asset Investments You Can Hold in Your Hand].

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