Options investing is one of the safest and most effective ways to add exposure to risky assets like commodities to your portfolio. Options allow users to limit their downside risk while providing the opportunity to make speculative calls on all kinds of assets. But keeping up with options and all of the various trading methodologies out there can be a difficult task.
Luckily, there are plenty of well-versed Twitter experts around the internet to help you get a handle on how to properly use option contracts as well as actionable trade ideas. Below, we outline 100 must-follow options traders on Twitter (in no particular order).
Most Active
These accounts are the most active with their tweets and updates.
- @HamzeiAnalytics: One of the most active and most followed (150,000+) options traders on the list.
- @vader7x: An extremely active user who focuses on all things active trading.
- @Dvolatility: Tweets from the Chief Financial System Restructuring Officer at DistressedVolatility.com.
- @CMEGroup: A must follow for any trader as the account already has more than 750,000 loyal fans.
- @TradingAddicts: A Twitter handle that serves as somewhat of a discussion board with traders offering up-to-date trading suggestions and news.
- @CBOE: The Chicago Board Options Exchange is the largest options exchange in the country.
- @OptionPit: A source that aims to provide useful information for traders of all levels.
- @OptionsProfits: An account run by The Street’s Jill Malandrino focused on options trading.
- @FuturesTrader71: A professional trader who is also a principle at a brokerage firm.
- @WhatsTrading: Real time updates on the busy world of trading.
- @szarman: A trend trader account with over 29,000 followers.
- @traderblast: A futures and options trading firm that tweets constant updates.
- @stevenplace: A great account for those looking to discuss their ideas as he seems to be relatively active with his 8,000+ followers.
- @jimbinder: Jim Binder is an extremely active Twitter user as well as seasoned options trader.
- @OptionsAction: A great source dedicated to risk management and run by top traders who air on CNBC.
- @pallwoll: A trading guru and mentor who is quite active with his audience.
- @coppertrades: A trading coach with plenty of tips and ideas for options investors.
- @DanZanger: Features great trading advice. Dan Zanger is the world record holder for the largest percentage gains in 12 months and 18 months flipping $10,775 to $18 million.
- @OptionsFeed: This options resource may just be the most active on our list.
- @FuturesMagazine: Tweets concerning news and analysis on futures and options trading.
The following Twitter accounts fall under the general options knowledge category.
- @EnricoMalverti: A quantitative analyst with frequent tweets on options trades.
- @optstrategist: Lawrence McMillan’s tweets will be helpful for options traders of all kinds.
- @Kaitlyn_Kiernan: An options reporter for Dow Jones as well as a WSJ contibutor.
- @MomentumOptions: An options trader with a solid track record to accompany its many tweets.
- @jaredwoodward: Jared Woodard publishes options research and manages a volatility arbitrage strategy for clients.
- @redliontrader: A trader focused on the futures and options world.
- @harmongreg: A CFA with a firm grasp of the surrounding financial world.
- @SFOmag: Stocks, futures, and options magazine will be a good news-based source for your trades.
- @OptionsBeat: Tweets from two Bloomberg options specialists.
- @OptionsHouse: Previously known as @tradeMONSTER, OptionsHouse was named one of the best resources for traders by Barrons.
- @CannonFutures: A great broad-based resource for investors.
- @JLNOptions: An options blog focused on news and issues in the market.
- @RyanDetrick: A Chartered Market Technician and contributor with a focus on market sentiment.
- @RedDogT3: The Twitter account for Chief Stragestist of T3Live/T3TradingGroup Scott Redler.
- @traderstewie: Tweets about popular stock and S&P 500 trends.
- @super_trades: A momentum and value stock trader.
- @SriramaTanniru: A professional derivatives trader with plenty to say about today’s financial landscape.
- @LSFinancial: An active trading resource with breaking stock market news, insights, opinions and economic releases.
The Casual Investor
The following resources are for your casual options investor.
- @MarkWolfinger: A popular options trader focused on helping beginners get their feet wet.
- @optionmonster: Jon Najarian’s account focuses on the broad world of options for its 37,000+ followers.
- @Dan_Passarelli: As a former CBOE floor trader, Dan uses his experience to mentor options traders.
- @optionalpha: A full-time options trader with a focus on the overall trading industry.
- @tradingtrainer: An account for A.J. Brown who helps train traders across the nation.
- @OptionPundit: A great broad-based resource for options traders.
- @1OptionsTrading: Focuses on broad options investing with a good tilt towards those looking to get their feet wet in the industry.
- @RetroWallSt: Twitter handle for RealMoney contributor Timothy Collins.
- @iTradePod: A professional trading firm to keep you up to date with all things active trading.
- @Sassy_SPY: An account run by a regular contributor of TheStreet Rachel Shasha.
- @TradersLog: A Chicago-based company dedicated to active traders and its 14,000+ followers.
- @sspencer_smb: The twitter handle for Steven Spencer, a New York prop trader and mentor at SMB.
- @EddyElfenbein: Editor of Crossing Wall Street, which was named the best buy and hold blog by CNN money.
- @AngieMiles: A CBOE correspondent and options enthusiast.
- @schaeffers: An account that promises to eat, sleep, and breathe options.
- @2TradersClub: Ran by options traders who focus on straight calls and puts.
- @ivolatility: A website dedicated to providing the best options data and analysis.
- @tradingonfire: The twitter handle for Zach Brethauer of Brethauer Option Mentoring.
- @johnfcarter: The founder of SimplerOptions.com as well as an active trader.
- @MarketClub: Another strong resource for futures and options trading.
These accounts are designed specifically for those who have a wealth of experience with options.
- @rolcol325: A futures and options trader as well as a former CBOE member.
- @mmassasin: Features actionable trades for serious investors and traders.
- @optionbob: This account wins the prize for best picture but don’t let that fool you, it’s run by an expert in behavioral finance.
- @ClayTrader25: A full-time blogger and trader of stocks and options with strong technical analysis foundations.
- @stan93: Technical analysis from stockshakers.com.
These Tweeple hone in on a particular sector or asset.
- @agwarner: An options trader with more than 30,000 tweets under his belt focusing on the VIX.
- @OptionsHawk: Joe Kunkle’s account features 11,000+ followers as he focuses on equity swing trades.
- @CRFN: DeWayne Reeves runs this Twitter account which focuses on e-mini S&P 500 options and futures.
- @MooreResearch: Specializing in seasonal futures-trading strategies.
- @IndianaGrainCo: Former speculator for CME Group with a focus on grains trading.
- @djmphd: Darren Miller’s Twitter focuses on equity options trades.
- @ScottNations: An options trader who tends to focus on volatility and agriculture .
- @tradingcrudeoil: An options trader with efforts focused on crude oil.
- @VIXandMore: An active trader focusing on the world of volatility.
- @FXCM: A great account for those wishing to focus on forex opportunities.
- @Options_Edu: Focuses on providing details for equity options and trades.
- @volatilitytrade: Frank Caruthers’ account focuses on volatility arbitrage among other things.
- @JLNMetals: Focuses on financial news related to precious metal trading, futures and options.
- @Fitzstock2004 : An active trader geared towards fixed income.
- @RussellRhoads: A trader who focuses on option-spread trading and VIX derivatives.
These accounts are personally run by their authors.
- @Stockguy22: An options trader with active updates and over 50,000 followers.
- @cjccasey: A trader whose tweets cover the general financial world as well as options.
- @sangluccitrades: The personal Twitter of an active options trader.
- @ScottNations: An account updated by a CNBC contributor and options enthusiast.
- @focus_on_risk: A professional derivatives trader with more than 7,500 followers.
- @larryfooter: A full-time options and futures trader with a very active account.
- @AlexFotopoulos: The tweets of a trader who posts every single trade that he makes for all the world to see.
- @Love_To_Trade: A self-proclaimed options-trading junkie with plenty to say about the markets.
- @OptionsTrader31: A personal blog from a very experienced trader.
- @OptiontradinIQ: An active trader who focuses on iron condors and credit spreads.
- @markflowchatter: A buy-side trader and biotech stock enthusiast.
- @JBoorman: A chartered market technician and portfolio manager with plenty of insight into technical and fundamental analysis.
- @MockTrade: An active trader who focuses on swing trades and hedging.
- @steenbab: A Ph.D focusing on psychology and trading .
- @SwatOptions: A trader looking to make enough money to quit a day job through options trading.
- @SJosephBurns: A very active trader who often interacts with his 9,400+ followers.
- @OptionRunners: The thoughts and ideas of a full-time swing trader.
- @Option_Trading: A stock and options trader who will be sure to keep you up to date on the daily developments of the trading world.
- @hertcapital: Founder of Virtual Advisor Live.
- @dboysinc: Another trader detailing his opinions on the market.
- @CJMendes: Owner, trader, and strategist at Trading Options For Income.
- @bfkViking123: A full-time stock trader who looks at lesser-known stocks.
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Disclosure: No positions at time of writing.