Options investing is one of the safest and most effective ways to add exposure to risky assets like commodities. Options allows users to limit their downside risk while also affording the opportunity to make speculative calls on all kinds of assets.
But keeping up with options and all of the various trading methodologies out there can be a difficult task. Luckily, there are plenty of well-versed experts around the internet to help you get a handle on how to properly use options contracts. Below, we outline the top 100 options trading blogs (in no particular order) from around the web.
The following blogs fall under the category of general options knowledge.
- What’s Trading?: A blog with a wide focus on trading various assets as well as options contracts.
- Phil’s Stock World: This site will offer actionable trading ideas and strategies to anyone who wants it, for free.
- Options Hawk: This blog gives live intraday options analysis in real time.
- The Evil Speculator: A very entertaining title for a blog that is extremely focused on technical analysis and deciphering charts for stocks as well as options.
- Distressed Volatility: An extremely active blog that maintains a broad focus for active traders.
- Surly Trader: This site features posts from all around the options world all in one convenient location.
- Crap Trader: Do not be mislead by this blog’s ironic name. It provides sound analysis of executed trades.
- Option Monster: A great all-encompassing resource on general options trading.
- Equity Compensation Advisor: Geared towards those looking for advice on stock options and equity compensation in their respective places of work.
- Trend Following Mentor: A great blog that focuses on the general investing and options world.
- Options Click: A great site that features daily recap posts of markets and the movement of major benchmarks.
- Technical Traders: A great website for all things technical trading including a wide variety of options advice.
- Born to Sell: An options-focused blog that helps investors use covered calls to turn a profit.
- Option Multibagger: Focuses on providing a broad view on the world of options trading.
- Stock Options Trading: A website focused on the broad options arena, covering assets of all kinds, including ETFs.
- Trading Tips: A blog offering investment tips and tricks.
- SJ Options: A great resource that includes free education for traders as well as an options course and a look at the organization’s past performance.
- In Digest Biz: Though it focuses on varying methods of trading, options are often mentioned in this blog.
- Trading Pub: A unique blog that aims to create an online community for active traders.
- Nerd Wallet: A jack-of-all-trades investing blog with great information on options trading.
- The Lazy Trader: A great blog that discusses all things options.
- Option Matters: A great blog associated with the Montreal Exchange.
- Steady Options: An all-encompassing options resource complete with articles, forums, chatrooms, and more.
- DTR Trading: A frequently updated blog involving a lot of charts and graphs to highlight technical analysis.
The Casual Investor
The following resources are for your casual options investor [see also Definitive Guide To Commodity Investing].
- Options for Rookies: This resource is not quite as active as the others, but it does offer a premium service to help guide you through the world of options.
- 1 Option: This resource focuses on daily stock option trading as well as general options education.
- Option Pit: The founders of this site have discussed their work on CNBC as well as Mad Money with Jim Cramer, all while maintaining a healthy options blog.
- Terry’s Tips Stock Options Trading Blog: A source that is very dedicated to its followers and fanbase and their questions on options.
- Option Elements: An all-encompassing site complete with articles, tools, and classes for traders.
- Small Money Made Big: This site provides tutorial videos for investors.
- The Blue Collar Investor: A blog aimed at mid-level options traders who know more than the basics, but probably don’t consider themselves experts.
- Theta Trend: Objective options trading advice for traders.
- ino.com: This blog offers daily news about multiple asset classes including options.
- The Upfront Blog: A blog sponsored by Wealth Front that talks a fair amount about options.
- Crowder Options: Crowder prides itself on providing realistic strategies and realistic returns.
- Seeking Alpha Market Playground: A place to get insight on the ins and outs of the stock market and options trading.
- Option Tiger: Content from beginner to mastery levels to turn anyone into an expert.
- The Option Guru: A great blog on the general options world.
- Option Trading IQ: The site’s tagline reads, “Helping you trade iron condors and other income strategies without the BS.”
- Explosive Options: A helpful trading resource for any investor interested in using options.
- Dough: This blog is dedicated to options trading.
- FuturesMag: An extremely popular resource for options and futures trading.
- T&K Futures and Options: This site features commentary on a number of commodities, but it keeps a thorough section exclusively for options and its traders. Also, the site allows one to open a “practice” trading account in which investors can test their theories with fake money before moving into the real thing.
- Schaeffer’s Options Center: A great place for those who like to actively check the prices of various options around the industry.
- Traderji: This site includes blogs and forums on various securities and topics including futures and options.
- Option Strategist: A helpful tool for trading options.
- Options Trading Beginner: An introduction to options trading.
These websites are designed specifically for those who have a wealth of experience with options.
- A.J.’s Option Trading Blog: Offers insights as well as podcasts for serious options traders already familiar with the basics.
- Options-Intelligence: This blog shares its option trading strategy with its readers and even offers trade alerts for those truly interested.
- Market Taker Mentoring: An educational tool for anyone hoping to learn a little bit more about options trading.
- SMB U: A great blog that focuses on all facets on the financial world including options trading.
- Covered Calls Advisor: A great resource for advanced options traders looking for actionable trades and ideas.
- Options University: This flourishing resource comes fit with a healthy options blog.
- Futures Options Trading: An excellent resource for those looking to dabble in options on futures contracts, as many commodity investors do.
- Lightspeed Trading: A good resource to stay up to date on important trading trends.
- Binary Options Trading Signals: A wealth of technical information and analysis for options traders.
- Breakpoint Trades: A blog that focuses on helping investors avoid pitfalls that result in major losses.
These blogs hone in on a particular sector or asset [see also The Most Profitable Months to Trade Gold].
- Slope of Hope: A graph- and chart-heavy resource.
- VIX and More: Bill Luby does an excellent job of educating readers on all things volatility with this blog.
- Volatility Futures & Options: Though it does not post everyday, this blog still features strong commentary on the volatility world.
- Set Options: A trading service with a focus on binary options.
- VIX Views: Another good resource for those looking to get a leg up on volatility trading.
- Grain Marketing Plans: An options blog that focuses specifically on commodities.
- BinaryOptions.com: An all-in-one package that offers everything traders need to successfully utilize binary options.
- Energy & Commodities Resource Center: A good trading resource for those who are focused on energy futures and options.
- Binary Options: This site focuses on options in the U.K., giving investors a more international look at these financial tools.
- Investment Rarities’ Gold and Silver Blog: A regularly updated blog that is a part of Pedal to the Metals, a popular site for commodity traders focused on the metal industry.
- Gold and Silver Blog: A straight-forward blog that focuses on analysis and news for both gold and silver.
- Silver Strategies: The site may be a bit overwhelming at first glance, but a closer look will reveal one of the best and most comprehensive resources currently available for silver traders and investors.
- Copper Updates: Traders rejoice, this blog is heavily focused on pricing and futures contracts for copper.
- Platts: This blog aims to provide both news and analysis for investors of crude.
- Seery Futures: A great website that features a fair amount of updates on futures and options.
The following resources are static websites that are not necessarily updated on a daily basis but are still invaluable reference points for investors [see also Three ETFs To Cure a Gold Hoarding Addiction].
- The Options Guide: This site covers all the bases of options and futures trading.
- Momentum Options Trading: A site focused on its members and providing them with sound actionable ideas.
- Trading Systems: A great resource for active traders.
- Stock Options Explained: While this blog is not regularly updated it comes with a wealth of options knowledge.
- Power Options: This website is focused on educating investors on trading options, though it requires a membership.
- Learn Stock Options Trading: A quick resource to help beginners wrap their heads around basic options concepts.
- OptionTradingpedia.com: A wikipedia of sorts to help you make your way through the options universe.
- Stock & Option Trades: A website focused on providing its members with actionable ideas and trades.
- All In The Money: Another site that is focused on helping you execute options in the money for maximal returns.
- Trading Concepts: A great site for those looking for membership opportunities to get actionable advice.
- Options Xpress: A Charles Schwab-sponsored options account for those looking to start trading on their own.
- Allyall: A great trading platform for options investors.
- Trading Pro System: Another great subscription service to help take your options trading to the next level.
- Crude Oil Trader: This site offers a good mix of news and data, giving a broad view of the commodity world. The blog may appeal more to those who are interested in the technical side of things, as it features sections dedicated to options trading signals, among other indicators.
- Simon’s Binary Options and Forex Trading: Rules to live by when trading options online.
These blogs are personally run by their authors.
- Learn to Trade the Market: This is Nial Fuller’s personal blog about price action forex trading.
- My Trader’s Journal: A blog that features posts simply stating the actions that the author has taken or will take for those who like someone who practices what they preach.
- Kingston Trader: An interesting source that shows a detailed layout of specific trades, targets, and margins all in a neat excel sheet for readers to follow.
- OptionPundit: A site that features actionable ideas to help you make the best option trades possible.
- Odds: A very mathematical approach to trading options.
- Option Alpha: A good site for those looking to start with options as well as for those looking to take their knowledge to the next level.
- My Covered Call Blog: A personal resource in which the author outlines the options strategies and trades that an investor can follow.
- Rescue My IRA: A blog that chronicles the options trades and other strategies the author is currently utilizing to prepare for retirement.
- Parkwood Capital: A financial site that features a personally run blog from Dr. Duke as he describes his trades and ideas.
- Matt McKinney Option Plays & Futures Trading Strategies: A good personal blog that outlines various options strategies including those concerning commodities.
- Mark Lexus Blog Page: A personal blog about trades, charts, and setups from the author.
- Wang’s Happy Trading: Another great personal blog with an established following.
- TradesbyTiger: A simple blog that describes positions and how the author is trading in the current market.
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Disclosure: No positions at time of writing.