BCM In Depth: The Five Minute Guide To The Broad Commodity ETN
The exchange-traded products industry has provided investors with a new tactical tool for adding commodities exposure to their portfolios. Investors can now choose between a variety of ETPs that offer both broad-based and targeted exposure without having to encounter the difficulties and drawbacks of opening a futures account. One of the more intriguing products on the market is the Pure Beta Broad Commodity ETN (BCM), which gives investors access to a basket of 24 different commodities [for more commodity ETF analysis subscribe to our free newsletter]. BCM’s structure and unique strategy make this ETN an appealing option for investors who wish to establish broad-based exposure to commodities over the long-haul.
Commodity ETF Spotlight: BCM In Focus
The exchange-traded products industry has provided investors with a new tactical tool for adding commodities exposure to their portfolios. Investors can now choose between a variety of ETPs that offer both broad-based and targeted exposure without having to encounter the difficulties and drawbacks of opening a futures account. One of the newest products on the market is the Pure Beta Broad Commodity ETN (BCM), which gives investors access to a basket of 24 different commodities [see also Why The IEA Is Backing Nuclear Power]. BCM’s structure and unique methodologies make this ETN an appealing option for investors who wish to establish a broad-based and long-term commodities position in their portfolio