The Next Big Industry: Sand
Over the last few years, investors have witnessed the U.S. become a dominant force in the crude oil and natural gas space, thanks in part to rapid development in technologies. The use of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has boomed in recent years, as the technology has made it possible to reach significant oil and gas resources that had previously demonstrated a poor flow rate and weren’t economically accessible [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
10 Ways to Invest in Fracking
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has become tremendously popular in the United States and Canada over the past couple of years. By pumping pressurized fluid into a wellbore the process enables companies to extract previously inaccessible hydrocarbons. The result has been a natural gas bonanza in many parts of the U.S., particularly in shale regions like the Barnett Shale Basin in Texas and the Bakken Formation in North Dakota, as well as in parts of Canada [for more fracking news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].