Grain Prices Facing Harsh Headwinds
Grains commodities are sitting at lows that have not been seen for approximately four years, creating something of a headache for commodity investors. Corn, soybeans, and wheat have all been getting hit hard this year, as production is on track to set records. In fact, the aforementioned commodities are among the worst performing of the entire space in 2014 [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
Why Coffee Futures are up 80% in 2014
After commodities had a rough go in 2013, taking the backseat to surging equities, it seems that this year has more favorable conditions in store for a number of hard assets. Though a number of commodities have gotten off to a white-hot start this year, none have even come close to the gains that coffee futures have notched, as that commodity has spiked more than 80% through the first 10 weeks of the year [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
3 Commodity Investments To Profit From Population Growth
One of the most talked-about global trends in recent years has been the rapid growth in population. As emerging markets around the world enter periods of robust growth, their populations have also been on the rise. Though a growing worldwide population will certainly cause a number of issues, it will also present commodity investors with a fair amount of opportunities, as some hard assets represent a great way to profit from the current trend [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
Think You Can’t Afford Farmland? Think Again
Investing in farmland has been a staple in the commodity world for decades, as many have enjoyed handsome returns by holding plots of arable land. But as the years have gone on, it has become harder and harder for an individual to afford this hard asset, essentially closing out this investment opportunity for many. Enter Fquare, a new service that aims to eradicate this problem. We had the opportunity to speak with CEO and Co-Founder Charles Polanco about his company, and how it can benefit investors of all kinds [for more farmland news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
Demographic Storm Hits U.S. Farmers
For years now, many have been pointing out a developing trend in the U.S. farming industry: the number of farmers continues to stagnate. Though the United States was once dominated by agriculture, the nation has simply grown beyond its once economic staple and put its focus elsewhere. As this happened, farming became less of a lucrative industry, leading to fewer and fewer people who choosing it as a career path. The trend has led many to proclaim an agriculture crisis in the country, but the situation is probably less dire than many paint it [for more agricultural news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
3 Ag Stocks Outperforming The Rest
The agricultural industry has not been the best performer as of late, but many popular investors have been buying into the sector during the downturn, including billionaire investor George Soros and his former partner Jim Rogers, among others. With the drought sending corn, wheat and soybean to modern-era highs last year and early this year, many analysts expect these trends to continue into the first half of 2013. Below, we outline three agriculture stocks that have outperformed the rest and may be setting up for a big 2013 [for more agricultural news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
20 Must-Read Quotes About the Commodity Industry
When it comes to investing, we often look to experts and top traders, not just to learn their secrets, but to be inspired by their success. Quotes from top commodity traders and experts in the commodities market can serve to illuminate, invigorate, and motivate our research and trading. Below, we outline 20 of our favorite quotes about the hard-asset industry that all investors should know [for more commodity investing news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
5 Commodity Trading Mistakes You Could Be Making
There’s little question that commodities trading is a risky endeavor. From margin calls to extreme volatility, there are countless ways that traders can quickly lose money trading a variety of different instruments. In this article, we’ll take a look at five commodities trading mistakes that traders commonly make and explore the best ways to avoid them [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].