5 Legendary Commodity Investors
There was a time when commodities trading was only for the most sophisticated of investors. Whether it’s gold, oil, agricultural products or just a commodity index-based ETF, the world of raw materials trading has expanded tremendously in the past 10 years and is now accessible to the everyday trader. In fact, in September 2012, The Financial Times wrote about the popularity of commodities investing in pension funds of schools and municipal retirement associations [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
First Trust Files For Unique Commodity ETF
As the ETF world has continued to flourish, issuers have been trying to find new ways to segment their favorite asset classes. Commodity ETFs in particular have come a long way from the first-generation funds that offered exposure to front-month futures. There are now dozens of commodity products that help retail investors slice and dice this space in a variety of ways. Now, First Trust has detailed a filing that may further the commodity ETF space [for more commodity ETF news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
Commodity Volatility Weighted Index Debuts
For years, issuers and investors alike have been trying to find unique ways to slice and dice the commodity market to find the best returns. Some prefer to buy into depressed assets, while others have employed strategies that focus in on a specific segment of the broad space. But for every methodology out there, the volatility of the commodity world will, at some point, throw a wrench into even the best laid plans. It is not unusual to see some of these assets move by 3% or 4% in a single trading session, a double-edged sword for traders [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
Sandy May Delay Key Jobs Report
As Sandy began to hammer the east coast late last night, the U.S. Department of Labor has yet to make a decision when to release October’s jobs data. This report will be a key factor in the upcoming election, as the undecideds will look to the jobs report as a sign of how our economy has been performing which could sway them either for or against current President Barack Obama. This, of course, comes after the last jobs report where many speculated that the numbers were fudged in favor of Obama, as the unemployment rate saw its biggest dip in recent memory [for more economic news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
Commodities To Watch in Sandy’s Wake
Markets were closed late last night in preparation for hurricane Sandy, as the storm has its sights set on the east coast. With approximately 50 million people in its projected path, Sandy is predicted to dump unprecedented amounts of rain that could cause an 11 foot rise in some areas of the coast line. “From North Carolina to Maine, forecasters warned that Sandy was likely to collide with a cold front and spawn a “superstorm” that could generate flash floods, snowstorms and massive power outages” write Chelsea J. Carter and Josh Levs.
How Much Money Your Favorite Commodity ETFs Make
ETF investing turned the commodity world from a difficult-to-reach asset class to exposure that any retail investor could quickly add to their portfolio. The years have seen a number of innovative products come and go, but through thick and thin a select group of funds have broken away from the rest, as they have maintained their popularity. And just like any other business, these funds need to make money to stay open (and to hopefully make you money), as they have plenty of operating costs to take care of [for more commodity ETF analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].