Investing In Silver: The Definitive Guide
Silver has been an important metal for thousands of years, often used as a medium of exchange or jewelry in ancient times. The mineral was traditionally mined alongside copper and lead deposits across the Near East and the Mediterranean around the height of the Roman Empire. After the Spanish conquests of the New World, the focus of the silver market shifted to Latin America and the massive deposits located in Mexico, Bolivia, and most importantly, Peru. Briefly, the U.S. was at one time the world’s largest silver producer thanks to the discovery of a massive silver deposit in Nevada (the Silver State), although this production eventually petered out and Latin American production once again reigned supreme [for more silver news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
Which Silver ETF Is Right For You? SLV vs. SIVR vs. DBS
Although silver often times lays in the shadow of investors’ number one safe haven, gold, this shiny metal has by no means lost any of its luster. Silver has always been one of the most popular commodities given its rich history and various ornamental and industrial uses. The white metal’s appeal as an investable asset has grown for several reasons over the years. Silver is often times used as an alternative (and cheaper) safe haven investment, as well as a potential hedge against inflation. Additionally, the commodity is used in a variety of industrial goods and processes, making it an interesting play on manufacturing or industrial activity. And thanks to the ever-expanding universe of exchange-traded products, there are now several ways investors can gain exposure to the ultra popular precious metal. Below, we outline the three most popular silver ETFs and which one will fit your investment objectives [see also 25 Ways To … See the full story here →
Top 5 Commodity ETFs Of 2011
As we enter the home stretch of 2011, many investors are taking the time to look back on a hectic year to re-evaluate their underlying holdings and put themselves in the best position for 2012. As far as commodities are concerned, it was a pretty rough year. Though the first few months went off without a major hitch, volatility spiked as 2011 progressed, causing commodities to exhibit wild daily movements. For the most part, turning a profit was a tall order for 2011, as a number of commodity investments endured miserable returns. In fact, it is estimated that anywhere from 90%-95% of investors lose money when investing in commodities, making this year no exception [see more at How To Lose Money Investing In Commodities].
Ultimate Guide To Silver Investing
Silver has been an important metal for thousands of years, often used as a medium of exchange or jewelry in ancient times. The mineral was traditionally mined alongside copper and lead deposits across the Near East and the Mediterranean around the height of the Roman Empire. After the Spanish conquests of the New World, the focus of the silver market shifted to Latin America and the massive deposits located in Mexico, Bolivia, and most importantly, Peru. Briefly, the U.S. was at one time the world’s largest silver producer thanks to the discovery of a massive silver deposit in Nevada (the Silver State), although this production eventually petered out and Latin American production once again reigned supreme.