Ethanol Comeback May Boost Corn Prices
The global energy space has been dominated by discussions about fossil fuel alternatives in recent years, as there are a number of solutions to our addiction to these commodities. One of the most popular options has been the use of corn-based ethanol in crude oil, which decreases the amount of crude oil needed when the ethanol is mixed in. While it is not a one-stop solution, many see it as a sign of weening ourselves off of crude oil and working towards a more renewable resource [for more ethanol news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
The Best And Worst Energy ETFs Of 2012
The energy sector has been anything but stable this year, as commodities as a whole suffered at the hands of volatile trading. Crude oil prices surged all across the board while popular natural gas struggled to maintain a direction. With 2012 coming to a close, we take a look back on the year and outline the best and worst performing energy ETFs. Note that this list excludes leveraged and inverse products [for more energy ETF news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
All About The Biofuels ETF (FUE)
The popularity in alternative sources of energy has grown tremendously in recent years, as the world tries to ween itself off its dependence on oil. One of the most innovative products are biofuels, which include a number of fuels that are created in some manner from renewable energy. Commodities such as sugar, starch, corn, and vegetable oil are common components of many of these products. Although biofuels do not account for a significant portion of the world’s energy demand, the market is still relatively young and it continues to develop at a rapid pace [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].