3 Commodity Investments To Profit From Population Growth

One of the most talked-about global trends in recent years has been the rapid growth in population. As emerging markets around the world enter periods of robust growth, their populations have also been on the rise. Though a growing worldwide population will certainly cause a number of issues, it will also present commodity investors with a fair amount of opportunities, as some hard assets represent a great way to profit from the current trend [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Actionable Ideas, Agriculture, Alternative Energy, Asset Allocation, Commodity ETFs, Commodity Producers, commodityHQ.edu, Corn, Energy, Natural Gas, Soybeans, WTI | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Think You Can’t Afford Farmland? Think Again

Investing in farmland has been a staple in the commodity world for decades, as many have enjoyed handsome returns by holding plots of arable land. But as the years have gone on, it has become harder and harder for an individual to afford this hard asset, essentially closing out this investment opportunity for many. Enter Fquare, a new service that aims to eradicate this problem. We had the opportunity to speak with CEO and Co-Founder Charles Polanco about his company, and how it can benefit investors of all kinds [for more farmland news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

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Agriculture ETFs Taking A Hit

Agriculture is perhaps the most practical commodity sector, as many of its products enjoy inelastic demand around the world. As such, this segment has always been given a fair amount of investing attention. Because there are so many different futures in the ag world, ETFs have become one of the most effective and popular ways to play this broad commodity sector. After enduring one of the worst droughts in U.S. history, agriculture ETFs are taking another hit as they have been trending downward since September [for more agriculture news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Actionable Ideas, Agriculture, Commodity ETF Analysis, Commodity ETFs, Commodity Futures | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Vote For Obama Or Romney With These Commodities

Tomorrow will mark the battle for what could be the 45th President of the United States. Barack Obama will square off against Mitt Romney with the goal of holding on to his presidency for another four years. This year’s campaigning and election path has been especially brutal, as politics have evolved into a mud-slinging contest that seems to know no boundaries. 

Posted in Actionable Ideas, Agriculture, Alternative Energy, Asset Allocation, Commodity Futures, Energy, Gold, Natural Gas, Precious Metals, Solar, WTI | Tagged , , , , , | 7 Comments

How To Play Marc Faber’s 20% Market Drop

Marc “Dr. Doom” Faber has amassed quite the following in the financial world given his outspoken nature and uncanny ability to time the markets. This year has seen Faber urge investors to store their gold overseas and a warning that no matter who holds the Fed chair next, he will continue to print loads of money. Faber’s most recent prediction calls for a drop in the markets, as he has explicitly stated his bearishness for the global economy for some time now [for more economic news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Actionable Ideas, Agriculture, Asset Allocation, Commodity ETFs | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Jim Rogers: This Sector Will Boom in the Coming Years

“It’s unavoidable” says Jim Rogers of a coming recession. He notes that roughly every four to six years has seen an economic slowdown in the U.S., and that 2013 and 2014 will be no exception to that rule. For months now, Rogers has been warning investors that our culminating debt issues and a sluggish economy will lead to a recession that is even worse than that of 2008. He has continually told investors to be very worried and to prepare themselves, but unlike most others who predict a doomsday-like scenario, Rogers has given advice on how to prepare yourself [for more economic news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Academic Research, Actionable Ideas, Agriculture, Asset Allocation, Commodity ETFs, Commodity Futures | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Invest Like George Soros With This Commodity Stock

George Soros is one of the biggest names in commodities, as he is largely known for his success running the Quantum Fund with Jim Rogers. In recent years, Soros has been something of a gold bug, making huge allocations to the SPDR Gold Trust (GLD). But there is another commodity holding that Soros has that may intrigue investors, as it falls in line with the predictions and strategies of many other players, including Jim Rogers [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Actionable Ideas, Agriculture, Asset Allocation, Commodity Futures, Commodity Producers, Hard Assets | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Jim Rogers: The U.S. Will Suffer Several Lost Decades

The period between 2000 and 2009 is often referred to as the “Lost Decade” for U.S. investing, as markets were barely able to scrape up any gains over the ten year stretch. But as we have moved on, and markets have recovered from the recession, the fear of a further and possibly deeper recession still persists. Some point to Bernanke and the Fed’s open-ended easing as our undoing, while other feel that our ever accumulating debts will eventually shock markets. Expert analysts and investors around the world have been quick to give their two cents,  and perhaps none have been more vocal or negative than Jim Rogers [for more economic news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Agriculture, Gold, News and Current Events, Precious Metals, Silver | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Why Jim Rogers Still Loves Agricultural Commodities

Given all of the turmoil in markets this year, we have seen a number of investors change their positions on statements made in the past. Jim Rogers, for example, has now stated that he is looking into investing in Russia after snubbing the country for his entire investing life. But there is one thing that Rogers is still as bullish as ever on, agricultural commodities. It has been no secret that he has been a fan of these hard assets for quite some time, but a recent interview shows that he still loves these commodities and is as bullish as ever [for more agricultural news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Academic Research, Actionable Ideas, Agriculture, Asset Allocation, Cocoa, Coffee, Commodity ETFs, Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Sugar, Wheat | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments

100 Insightful Futures Traders Worth Following on Twitter

Futures investing is one of the safest and most effective ways to add exposure to risky assets like commodities. Futures allow users to limit their downside risk while also affording the opportunity of making speculative calls on all kinds of assets. But keeping up with futures and all of the various trading methodologies out there can be a difficult task. Luckily, there are plenty of well-versed Twitter experts around the internet to help you get a handle on how to properly use futures contracts as well as actionable trade ideas. Below, we outline 100 must-follow futures traders on Twitter (in no particular order) [for the most up to date commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].

Posted in Actionable Ideas, Asset Allocation, Commodity Futures | Tagged , , , , , , , | 9 Comments
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