What Obama’s Energy Plan Means For Commodities Investors
After years of environmental acts dying in Congress, President Obama is taking action by finally outlining a green plan for the U.S. Calling a press event at Georgetown University earlier this week, Obama discussed his goals: reducing carbon pollution, promoting green energy, and cooperating with both developed and emerging economies to ensure global involvement. Many on the Hill have already objected to Obama’s goals and his use of executive orders to avoid Congressional approval, saying that the American worker will lose in this plan [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
3 Commodity Investments To Profit From Population Growth
One of the most talked-about global trends in recent years has been the rapid growth in population. As emerging markets around the world enter periods of robust growth, their populations have also been on the rise. Though a growing worldwide population will certainly cause a number of issues, it will also present commodity investors with a fair amount of opportunities, as some hard assets represent a great way to profit from the current trend [for more commodity news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
The Best And Worst Alternative Energy ETFs Of 2012
Alternative energy had another poor year, as these investments seem to fall by the wayside compared to fossil fuels. Though many agree that we need to shift our current energy consumption, it looks like new technologies are giving way to a natural gas revolution rather than an alternative energy revolution. Luckily for proponents of green technology, Barack Obama secured another four years in the White House, and he has been generally outspoken on his approval of these energy sources [for more alternative energy news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].
Top 50 Alternative Energy Blogs
Alternative energy has been a hot topic in recent years, as it has been heavily debated in both the political and investing world. Some feel that America’s energy independence relies on the expanded use of alternative sources, while others disagree with that sentiment. Either way, alternative energy investing has surged in popularity in recent years as many have added long term exposure to their portfolios in hopes of this asset class growing as a whole. But investing in green energy can be a tall order, as there are numerous companies that offer dozens of different clean energy solutions [for more alternative energy news and analysis subscribe to our free newsletter].